Sunday, 4 September 2011

Church with Cloister (6/6 part): Paint Tutorial

(English version): The Manorhouse proposed paint color scheme is beatiful (look this gallery!) but for me was very important to match the same color of Dwarven Forge and of many other objects I already have...the reason is explained in the previous post...have the possibility to combine all my stuff together.
here a quick paint tutorial:
1 step (left picture): base color..not a black, but very near..a very dark grey with a bit of brown (the color is with a lot of water)
2 step (right picture): drybrush with a medium-dark grey (again a bit of brown)

(Italian version): Lo schema di pittura proposto da Manorhouse è bellisimo (guarda questa gallery!) ma per me era imporante riprodurre lo stesso colore dei pezzi Dwarven Forge e delle mie altre ragione è spiegata nei precedenti post..avere la possibilità di combinare tutte le mie scenografie assieme.
Qui un veloce tutorial di pittura:
1 Passo (foto a sinistra): colore di base..non un nero ma quasi..un grigio molto molto scuro con una punta di marrone (il colore è abbastanza liquido).
2 Passo (foto a destra): effettuare un drybrush con un grigio medio-scuro (sempre con una punta di marrone).

(English version):
3 step (left picture): Now I made a wash with a dark brown color in some areas (not everywhere), only in the areas where more contrast was needed, in order to outline better the stones.
4 step (right picture): drybrush with a ochra (if the effect is too yellow on some areas, use your finger to clear a bit of color, I know is not an advanced technique :-D but I made in this way)

(Italian version):
3 Passo (foto a sinistra): Ora ho fatto un operazione di wash con del marrone scuro in alcune aree (non ovunque), solo dove un maggior contrasto era necessario, per delineare meglio le pietre.
4 Passo (foto a destra): Drybrysh con del color ochra (se l'effetto è troppo giallo in alcune aree, rimuovete un po con il dito...lo so non è una tecnica molto avanzata :-D ma io ho fatto cosi)

(English version):
5 step (left  and center pictures): With a light gray (white and bit of brown) I made a drybrush (not completely dry) on the windows (also on the columns of the cloister)
6 step (right picture): With two different brown, I painted randomly some stones..

(Italian version):
5 Passo (foto a sinistra e al centro): Con un grigio chiaro (bianco e una punta di marrone), ho effettuato un drybrush abbastanza umido nell'area delle finestre (Anche sulle colonne del chiostro).
6 Passo (foto a destra):  Con due differenti marroni, ho colorato casualmente qualche pietra.

(English version):
7 step (left  and center pictures): Roofs are made with a dark brown base color, and a drybrush with a "brick" color.
8 step (right picture): Inside the buildings at the moment I made just a quick job (I painted just the floors)..but for my need probably is ok.

(Italian version):
7 Passo (foto a sinistra e al centro): I tetti sono fatti con un marrone scuro come colore base, e un drybrush con un color cotto.
8 Passo (foto a destra): L'interno degli edifici al momento è pitturato molto velocemente (ho dipinto solo i pavimenti), ma probabilmente per il mio utilizzo è gia ok.

(English version):
Below some pictures of the painted kit:
(Italian version):
Sotto alcune foto del Kit dipinto.



  1. Thank you so much Endar for this great tutorial! This is really helpful and I will definitely revisit it very often. :)

  2. thanks...but is something really basic..I'm not an expert painter (at least not like you).

    unfortunately the difficult part if we want match the Dwarven Forge color, is also to find the right colors (the gray for example).
    So this tutorial could help, but some attempts are still needed.
    Also how to drybrush the ochra is a critical part, because really depends by the texture/sculpture...for example in this case, the stones are more flat than Dwarven Forge the risk was to apply too much an effect of yellow walls..

    ah normally (when I paint other stuff) step 6, is before step 4, but I found that in this case, works better in this way.

  3. Thank you for the compliment! :) But I really wouldn’t call myself an expert painter. I’m way too impatient for the really advanced techniques. My goal is just to have some nice looking stuff for my game groups. There will never be a Golden Demon in my display cabinet. ;)

    I had my eye on the cool stuff from Manorhouse Workshop for some time but I hesitated to buy it because it seemed so time consuming to build and paint it all. But your great work with these buildings really inspired me and put it right back on my radar for the near future.

    And I love your tutorial! Not only is it very helpful, it makes the whole process seem less overwhelmingly time consuming and way more exciting because of the great results.

    Great work, very inspiring! :)
