


Blog Archive

Friday 24 December 2010

Goblinoid Village

This is a Goblinoid village,
Again I'm using the "modular hills" and as buildings some products from Grendel.
I'm satisfied about the idea to use the "barbarian huts" with a modded part of the "goblin stronghold", in order to have these towers.
ah.. and Merry Christmas to all!

Village, without River
(more space for the battle grid)


  1. Very awesome setup!

    I always wanted to buy the goblin stronghold and the barbarian huts but was reluctant because of the sheer amount of sets I would have to get to make an impressive setup (and all the time it would take to paint all of it).
    But now that I have seen your inspiring setup I can only wonder what kept my from buying them.
    And those awesome tower-conversions! Truly epic!
    Were they difficult to make?

    - Kronos

  2. Oh, and happy Xmas! :)

    - Kronos

  3. Hi Kronos,
    no is not difficult, practically you don't have to do nothing.. the huts have a removable roof, and the diameter of the goblin houses it's perfect to fit in this space.
    the only problem is that some goblin houses have shields,barrels,skulls,etc on the walls and so is not possible to insert the goblin house correctly..practically only one house have walls enough empty to fit.

  4. excellent table
    very original
    i see 4 goblin houses sets
    i have one but not so well painted

    so nice as usual

    what about the trade you talk about?

    i lovevthevriver too, where is it from?

    merry chrismas


  5. thanks, I'm happy when someone appreciate :)

    x Tom
    about the river, in the comments of the post "church on the river" I explained a little bit more (if you have other question ask me)
    about the trade,I'm changing home: 90% of my stuff it's inside boxes and I'm very busy moving everything and prepairing my new apparment, so I will contact you in the next week.

  6. Very nice game table.
